Monday, June 30, 2014

Why Running is Better than Baseball

I spent Saturday evening at the Western States finish line, via Twitter. (So impressed with Stephanie Howe's win in her 100 mile debut!) In reality, I was at an El Paso Chihuahuas baseball game.

I'm going to be honest: this was only my second baseball spectating experience ever, and I was mainly there for the food and the fellowship (it was a church outing). The food was delicious. The fellowship was wonderful. The baseball? Well, at first it was exciting. Until...

The ninth inning ended with a tie. And then the tenth inning followed suit. And the eleventh. And the twelfth. After thirteen innings, the Chihuahuas lost 15-12 to the Tacoma Rainiers. We were already gone, though, because the twelfth inning took us past midnight, at which I turn into a pumpkin zombie.

Being a runner, I was totally unprepared for the possibility that the game could continue indefinitely. There's no such thing as overtime in running (unless maybe you get lost). When the race is over, the race is over. And there's something to be said for that. To me, infinite possible innings is the equivalent of the race director announcing at the start, "This is supposed to be a fifty mile race. But who knows, the course could be five to ten, even fifteen miles longer. Good luck!"

But baseball wins the concession stands category. Food is the one area where running could take a few notes. If we also supplied our spectators with slushies, gourmet hot dogs, and churros, maybe spectating running could become the next American pastime!

All in all, it was a fun night. But I remain extremely glad my sport is running.

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