Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday Five: The Best Things All Week

Good reading/watching on the web this week.

1. Alysia Montano, 34 weeks pregnant in the 800 meter National Championships, running faster than most of us can hope to run while not pregnant. You go, girl! This makes me so happy.

2. This Runner's World article about the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. My husband sent me the link this week, on a day I really needed some running encouragement. The study correlated exercise during pregnancy and weight control, which sounds kind of obvious, but I'll take any encouragement I can get to keep exercising!

3. Western States this weekend! Loving all the pre-race interviews at iRunFar.

4. This article on bear safety while trail running. Depending on where you live, run, and race, bear safety may not be anything you worry about, but the video is worth watching (warning: strong language). I was terrified for these guys!

5. An interesting point of view on enjoying running. I've (almost) always been a runner who just loves running, as well as training for and competing in races. But I loved reading how he stays motivated, and I think his tips are great for those who don't always love it but wish they did.

Bonus. Not a "best thing." In my opinion, a worst thing: The New York State Court of Appeals struck down NYC's ban on soda's larger than 16 ounces. As the empty calories and high sugar content of drinks like soda are a huge contributor to obesity and diabetes, the ban was a step toward helping consumers make healthier choices. (And if you really needed more soda than that, you could always buy two). Read about it at NPR and Marion Nestle's Food Politics blog.

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