Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Five: Things I'm Loving Lately

1. Running in this Georgia fall weather. Running here in general, really. Trees are still a novelty after three-and-a-half years in El Paso! And it's cool enough now that I can run and then come back and walk the dogs--all with the stroller, without worrying about either of us getting too hot or too cold.

2. She Reads Truth. I'm so glad a friend told me about this online Bible study. Having these daily devotionals when I'm not otherwise involved in a study makes it easier for me to get into the Word every day. You can jump in wherever they are now, or you can go back and do one of their older studies from the beginning, and you can (but don't have to!) purchase a beautiful study pack.

3. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. I couldn't put this book down, and I'll be recommending (and loaning) it to everyone I know. The story of a traveling symphony and theater company in the years after most of the world died in a flu pandemic, this book is so richly-imagined I felt like I lived through these events.

4. Searching for races via UltraSignup and Run Georgia--so many possibilities!

5. Freezer meals. I'm still learning how to get everything done while carrying a baby around most of the day, so I love being able to make meals ahead of time and dump them in the crock pot when I need them. Some of my favorites here and here.

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